
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

19/11/2024 - Leisure Operator Tender Process ref: 890    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024

19/11/2024 - Procurement of a Leisure Operator ref: 892    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024


Consideration was given to a report which provided Cabinet with the outcome of the tender process carried out to identify an operator to manage Gateshead Leisure Centres and to support the Community Physical Activity Partnership.  Additional commercially sensitive information was also provided to Cabinet in relation to this matter, under item 16 on the agenda, which was exempt from the press and public.




(i)            The award of a 10-year contract (with an option to extend for a further 5 years) to Tenderer A to commence on 1 April 2025, be agreed;

(ii)           Delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance be authorised to finalise the contractual arrangements with Tenderer A.


The above decision has been made for the following reasons:


(i)            To deliver leisure services at a lower cost than could be achieved by the Council delivering the service directly, without reducing the quality of the provision and leading to the sustainability of the service for the next 10 – 15 years; and

(ii)           To ensure a robust and comprehensive contract is implemented between the appropriate parties.

19/11/2024 - Local Transport Plan: Capital Programme Mid-Year Update ref: 894    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024


Consideration was given to a report which provided an update on the Local Transport Plan Capital Programme.  The report provided a summary of the progress made and changes to the programme at the end of Quarter 2.  Indicative programmes for integrated transport and maintenance schemes scheduled for 2025/26 were appended to the report to allow for forward planning of these works.




(i)            The revised programmes for 2024/25, as set out in Appendices A and B, be approved, noting that there may be a need to review these as the year progresses in line with available resources;

(ii)           The Service Director, Highways and Waste be authorised (and in their absence the Service Director of Environment & Fleet Management) to award the relevant works under the terms of the Highways, Drainage and Street Lighting Maintenance Contract;

(iii)          The Service Director, Climate Change, Compliance, Planning & Transport be authorised to make changes to the approved programme following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, as and when the need arises; and

(iv)          The indicative integrated transport and maintenance programmes for 2025/26, as appended to the report, be approved, as a basis for future planning.


The decision above has been made to enable the design and implementation of transport schemes in support of the North East Transport Plan and the Council’s policy objectives.

19/11/2024 - Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2025/26 ref: 895    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024


Consideration was given to a report which requested Cabinet to recommend to Council a Local Council Tax Support Scheme for the year 2025/26.




(i)            Council be recommended to approve the proposed scheme as set out in the report and delegate powers to the Strategic Director Resources and Digital to provide regulations to give effect to the scheme including publishing full details online


The above decision has been made for the following reasons:


(i)            To meet the statutory requirements of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 in relation to the establishment of a framework for Localised Council Tax Support

(ii)           To mitigate the impact of the increased cost of living on Council Tax support claimants

(iii)          To mitigate the impact of funding reductions on Council Finances

(iv)          To support the Council’s “Thrive” agenda

19/11/2024 - Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Rent and Service Charge Setting Policy ref: 896    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024


Consideration was given to a report which requested Cabinet to recommend to Council the proposed Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Rent and Service Charge Setting Policy.




(i)            Council be recommended to approve the HRA Rent and Service Charge Setting Policy, as set out as Appendix 2 to the report.


The above decision has been made for the following reasons:


(i)            To ensure the Council adheres to current government legislation and regulation when setting and agreeing rents and service charges

(ii)           To ensure the medium to long term sustainability of the Housing Revenue Account

(iii)          To realise the Council's policies and objectives in relation to the Housing Strategy to maintain and enhance Council Housing Provision in Gateshead

(iv)          To assist in the delivery of the Council’s vision for Gateshead as set out in Making Gateshead a Place where Everyone Thrives

19/11/2024 - Housing Development Strategy and Delivery Programme Update ref: 889    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024

19/11/2024 - Development of new housing at Central Nursery and Flower Show Field site, Dunston Hill ref: 891    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024

19/11/2024 - Capital Strategy 2025/26 to 2029/30 ref: 897    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024


Consideration was given to a report which requested Cabinet to recommend to Council the approval of the proposed Capital Strategy for 2025/26 to 2029/30 to support the framework used to set and monitor the Capital programme.




(i)            Council be recommended to approve the Capital Strategy for 2025/26 to 2029/30, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.


The above decision has been made for the following reasons:


(i)            To contribute to the good financial management of the Council;

(ii)           To ensure the Council maximises value for money from its investments plans; and

(iii)          To aim to align investment decisions to the Council’s strategic objectives.

19/11/2024 - Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators 2024/25 – Second Quarter Review ref: 893    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2024

Effective from: 19/11/2024


Consideration was given to a report that set out the latest position on the 2024/25 Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators at the end of the second quarter to 30 September 2024. The report assessed reasons for the variances from the approved programme and details the proposed financing of the capital programme.




(i)            Council be recommended to agree all variations to the 2024/25 Capital Programme as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report

(ii)           Council be recommended to agree the financing of the revised programme set out in the report

(iii)          Cabinet confirms to Council that capital expenditure and financing requirements have been revised in line with the amended budget and none of the approved Prudential Indicators set for 2024/25 have been breached


The above decision has been made for the following reasons:


(i)            To ensure the optimum use of the Council’s capital resources in 2024/25

(ii)           To accommodate changes to the Council’s in-year capital expenditure plans

(iii)          To ensure performance has been assessed against the approved Prudential Limits